Friday, December 19, 2008

Ward Snowball Fight....

On Monday night after our run to the store to gather our goodies for the gingerbread mansion (that is another post!)we had pleasant surprise.....

Our doorbell rang and when we answered we found no one at the door but there was a paper taped to our door and a plate on our doorstep of adorable mice made from Oreos, Hershey kisses, cherries (the stems were their tails), almonds for ears -- oh so cute!!!! The note told us we had to "hit" three other families and we had to leave the note on our door so that others would know that we have already been hit. Are my children the only ones who want to take the note off the door so they might get more goodies on the doorstep? :)

The mice were wonderful and we continued the ward snowball fight. Thanks to whoever started the ward snowball fight! Have I ever told you I love snow?


Anonymous said...

Those mice are absolutely adorable, and look like a ton of work! Wow, that is one way to enjoy the snow, right????

Anonymous said...

Yeah we got hit too, and got the same cookies! They were so cute.

Anonymous said...

What a cute idea!!! The mice, that is. I guess to find out what you are up to now a days, I have to come here. LOL