This week I've thought that maybe I should have a different job title. Instead of being a teacher's assistant I think alligator wrestler is more fitting in honor of needing to restrain a second grader during lunch time. It was much like wrestling an alligator -- something I am not eager to do again anytime soon!
It is a given that we all wear many hats on any given day but a few of my favorites are: ant killer, knife wielding watermelon slicer, watcher of the sunflower house, master hair brusher fixer upper, garden watering goddess, chief flower sniffer, soon to be a poolside sun worshipper and of course my new hat...alligator wrestler! :)
You an alligator wrestler and Tim a dragon slayer! Quite the dynamic duo!
I LOVE the titles you have given yourself!
You are an alligator wrestler in more ways then you know.
Contratulations! to you both! That is such good news and such a relief to you both I'm sure.
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