Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mother's Day Come and Gone....

Eighteen days ago it was Mother's Day....

It is always a nice day. The kids and Tim give me really nice/funny cards that make me smile/cry/laugh. Sometimes I get flowers, sometimes I get a sweet treat they know I like (and then sneak for themselves when they think I'm not looking!) It's an all round nice day. It helps to have great kids to make it that way!

This Mother's Day was no different. Andrew came by the house and young Tim called from Arizona. It was the same right down to the sneaking of the Dove chocolates Tim gave me. :)

Yup, things were the same.... except for one thing. This Mother's Day we got to call Jordan who has been 7 months away from home serving as a missionary in Brazil. While on his mission we only get to talk to him twice a year -- Christmas and Mother's Day. I don't know how fathers got excluded but as long as mothers aren't I'm good with that. :)

So, for 7 months my boy has been away.

For 7 months I have written him by way of email every week.

For 7 months I have prayed for him every day.

I have prayed for his well being, for his language skills to be such that he could understand and be understood.

I have prayed for good companions to inspire and motivate him and that he could do the same for them.

I have prayed for people's hearts to be open to hear him, to accept him and to love him -- all the things I can't do for him when he is so far away.

For the next 17 months I will continue doing what I have been doing every day and every week. And I will look forward to two more phone calls before I lay eyes on him again.


Cheeseboy said...

I always felt ripped off on my mission on Father's Day. I bet my dad felt the same way.

7 months probably went by in a rush. I bet the next 7 will go by even faster for you.

I wish him well in Brazil. (2 of my brothers went there. I went to... Pennsylvania, which isn't exactly exotic, but it suited me well.)

Mariah said...

You are such a strong and amazing woman! I can not imagine the day my boys will be serving and my heart will be aching to hold and hug them. Your words are inspiration for my future!