Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Signs of Spring

Oh spring! In the cold of winter I had forgotten that under the blankets of snow the ground held a secret waiting to be born. And what a glorious secret it was!





The trees and bushes have bloomed beautifully and the cows returned to the back field. 

Ella loves to be a guard dog to keep the cows away from the fence!

And as much as I don't like the black cows with the white faces (click the link to read about that), there is a new face in the field that I find really scary.....

 Even with that scary (to me) face in the field I am loving spring. 
Each spring I am reminded of the blessings of renewal.
Seven springs have come and gone since cancer called our name and each one reminds me of Tim's renewal and our renewal as a family.
Blessings continually abound.

Mark 4:27
"...and the seed should spring and grow up, and he knoweth not how."

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