Friday, August 6, 2010

Admission of Guilt...

Abigail had some friends spend the night last night. This morning afternoon when they got up they began foraging for food after passing on my offer to make them something. They found Nutella in the pantry.

Abigail: Oh I found the Nutella! Jacob hid it!

Jacob (turning to me in the other room): I DIDN'T HIDE IT! I hate it when she assumes things! *I* didn't even put it away the last time I used it!!!


I don't know WHY that struck me so funny other than it was just so funny to hear that admission of guilt from his own lips!


Patty said...

Ha! I love it when they admit to something that they didn't even realize by denying something else! It is the greatest ironies in life!

Don and Robin Cooper said...

hahaha, that is pretty funny!

Cheeseboy said...

That is great. That Nutella is always coming up missing around here too.

ionamin-W8FW8 said...

Ha! He busted himself!

Unknown said...

Got to love that moment as a mom.... he probably didn't even realize what he said ha ha