Friday, July 24, 2015

30 Years & Long Time Friends

Thirty years ago on June 20th, 1985 was one of the most amazing days of my life, the day that Tim and I were married. 

My mother putting on my veil

Tim and I met in Hawaii back in 1982. It was thanks to Joan and Cal Miller that we got together. Tim was in the Navy serving on a submarine and I went to Hawaii and stayed with the Hill family who I had met in New York. The Hills went to church with us and when they found out they were going to Hawaii they invited me go to and stay with them. Looking back the real motive was that I could be a built-in babysitter for them but I didn't realize that at the time. But it was a good thing I didn't realize it because then I wouldn't have gone and if I hadn't gone I wouldn't have met Tim! 

Upon getting to Hawaii (Oahu) in early September I began to regularly attend a Family Home Evening group at Joan and Cal's home where they opened their home and hearts to so many. I remember hearing Tim's name the first Sunday I attended church when it was announced that Tim Valenta was voted sailor of the year :) but I didn't actually meet him until weeks later. 

The first mention of Tim in my journal from all those years ago was October 23rd when we went on our first date. Joan and Cal had tickets for themselves to attend a presentation that back in the day was called "Know Your Religion". Cal was in charge of ticket sales and he and Joan had two tickets they couldn't use on that particular night, so they asked Tim if he wanted to use them and that was our first date. :) We were a little nervous using the tickets because they had Joan and Cal's name on them and we weren't Joan and they would have even known...hahaha! It said on the ticket that they were non-transferable so when we got there we told the guy taking tickets that we weren't Joan and Cal but they weren't able to be there so they gave us their tickets. I remember the guy looking at us kind of puzzled and he said, "Why do you have to be so honest?"  BWHAHAHAHA!  So that was our "first date"...that presentation followed by a "drive around the island" where we stopped to see the Laie, Hawaii Temple. It was a lovely first date that even included a stop at a 7-Eleven on the other side of the island for some Triscuit crackers and a drink. :)

Fast forward 30 years and we are still in touch with Joan. Cal passed away and it had been 9 years since we last saw Joan when we were able to meet up briefly in Louisville as she was passing through with some friends who she was traveling with after Cal's passing. Joan remarried about 6 years ago. We had not met David but only heard about him from Joan in her emails. We were thrilled to have Joan and David make a stop on their recent RV trip from California, giving us a chance to see Joan again and meet David! We loved having them and appreciate so much the time they made to see us.     

  Joan and David visiting Kentucky

Annah, Joan, David & Abigail

Joan and David took us out to dinner to celebrate our 30th anniversary. It was so fitting to be with them since it was Joan that had a hand in bringing Tim and I together so many years ago. 

We are so grateful for long time friends and anniversaries! 

Thanks again Joan and David! We surely hope it won't be so long before we meet up again! 

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