Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Camp Exodus Begins....

This week begins the Camp Exodus...

One by one the at home kids are leaving for camp. Annah started the process by leaving Monday morning for 4-H camp. This morning Abigail left for Girl's Camp and a few hours later Jacob left for his High Adventure Scout trip -- camping, hiking, and canoeing for 4 days somewhere in Tennessee.
Tim and I had looked forward to this week for months now...well, before I was scheduled for surgery we looked forward to it. Now I am looking forward to the kid's return so they can make my life a little less painful right now by helping me do what needs to be done. :)
Happy camping, kiddos!

Is it just me or does Jacob look like he is a bee keeper? :)


The Hicks of Kentucky said...

DO YOU NEED ANYTHING?! Seriously, is there anything I can do to help!! Surgery is no fun! Please let me know if you need ANYTHING!

Cheeseboy said...

That bug shield would have been perfect when I was a scout. I loved those camps. Hope he has a great time.