Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snowy Snow Days....

Surely by now it is no secret how much I love the winter.

I love the excitement of winter and the secrets it holds of the unknown.

I love the anticipation, the waiting, the watching and the wondering. I don't mind the cold and I would rather see white covering the ground in frigid temperatures than see brown, dormant grass.

This week we had three snow days off from school! It's not that we got that much snow (about 5") that keeps us out of school but rather the uncleared, twisting, rural roads that were still snow and ice covered due to the strong winds that created drifting and slick roads. The rural roads are narrow and tree covered so the snow and ice don't melt off as readily as it does in open areas. It's humorous to think that 5" of snow can result in so many days out of school...unless you happen to live on those rural roads or have to drive a school bus on them!

In spite of the complaints of most everyone around me, (our immediate family excluded), I still love the winter and believe I always will.

And because I love the winter I share a few favorite winter photos with you....



Patty said...

Is it still winter? Sometimes I forget!

Debbi said...

I can take Winter for about a month and then I am so ready for Spring to be sprung. I love your pictures, you and Bill both have such an eye for photography. Please keep the pictures coming.