Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year Wishes...

Happy New Year!
Welcome 2013!

For me it is always exciting to start a new year. I like to think ahead to the things I want to work on and while I do set some goals, it's not earth shattering stuff.  It's just good stuff that I should do more of. Hopefully each year I do a little more and do it a little better. At least that is my desire.

A few thoughts I want to keep in mind for the coming year....

"Don't you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven.  But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come." 
~Jeffrey R. Holland~

"He cannot help us remember things we have not labored to learn."
~David A. Bednar~

"Every trial or experience you have passed through is necessary for your salvation." 
~Brigham Young~

And my favorite quote of all time:
"...but we traveled on trusting in God."
~from the pioneer journal of Susannah Stone~

I am anxious to travel on, trusting in God, to see what is up ahead and around the corner. :) 

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