Wednesday, November 28, 2012

From There to Here....

I am not quite sure how it happened but somehow, seemingly overnight, the hands of time swept by and my babies have grown up in the blink of an eye. In a world that before was made up of Cheerios and sippy cups has since given way to iPods and the latest fashion trends.  It became quite apparent the other day as I scanned through pictures that Abigail and Annah had taken of each other.  

They like to go on what they call a "picture walk" where they take pictures of interesting things around the neighborhood. We have seen pictures of bugs, mailboxes, flowers, signs, and lately, we've been seeing pictures that the girls have taken of each other.  They are either photographers or models in the making, I haven't decided which yet. :)  

It is in these pictures they have taken of each other that there came a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye as I thought of them as toddlers and wondered just how we got from there to here in what seems like so little time. 

How did it happen?  How did we go from here......

Love, love, love this picture of the girls!

Abigail as Batman! 

Annah with a cheesy grin!

Annah and Abigail when they were in a 
church production, Jesus the Christ. I love 
Annah's toothless smile!

To here.....

Abigail age 15

Annah age 13

The passage of time has changed their appearance but it can't change the love of a mother's heart.

Every now and then as I see these lovely ladies in the making, I glimpse the past and see them, for a split second, as they were some years ago.  It's usually when they are giggling and teasing one another, just like they did when they were young. I am glad they are still good friends and love each other as they do.  And, I am glad that they call me mom.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Time has gotten away from me. Even the girls have commented on how long it has been since I have written on my blog.  Life seems continuously busy, going from one thing to another. 

Fall is settling in nicely these days. Temperatures have dropped and we've gotten out the slippers and corn bags again. I do love this time of year.  I love the grand and glorious changes that happen before my eyes!  Fall is a favorite time year for me. 

We've had a few changes in the last months. In September Jordan came home from BYU-Idaho, in between semesters there. He will return in January to continue his schooling. It has been so nice to have him home as this is the most we've seen him since he returned from his mission last October.  He was only home from his mission for about 2 months before he was gone again so this "extended stay" will be nice. :) 

Fall Break was a good time -- nothing major went on but we just stayed home and enjoyed sleeping in and having unstructured time.  The girls did make a music video that is pretty fun.  I put it up on YouTube and it is called Fall Me Maybe ~ What We Did On Our Fall Break  Just click the link and enjoy! :)

In October Abigail finished her 3rd year of playing volleyball for her high school.  This year Tim served as treasurer for the Volleyball Booster Club. I am convinced that he is the best treasurer they have seen to date!  He is detailed, exact, organized and does everything he said he will do and more.  He was a great asset to the organization!  He didn't throw his name in to do it again next year just because the time commitment. So next year should be a bit easier on him than this year. 

Abigail with her volleyball coaches
October also brought us another change...Annah had a birthday and turned 13!  she is the latest and greatest teenager in the Valenta household!  Woo! Hoo! Her birthday fell on a Sunday so she has yet to have her party but she got to go to dinner with Jordan and his friend, Noelia and she got two birthday cakes!  One we made her and then one that Jordan and his friends brought by when they stopped by to say Happy Birthday to her! :)

Annah's 13th Birthday -- fit for a princess! :)
Now it's November our country's presidential election is tomorrow.  I feel so strongly that this is the most important election of my lifetime.  We are hoping that the result of the election will bring changes too! Come on Mitt Romney! :) 

Maybe I will have some changes too....maybe I will write on my blog a little more than I have lately.  Changes are good.