It's been nearly 2 months since I updated the blog with our spring break mad dash across the country. What I didn't put in that update was that the day after that post went up I was having surgery on my shoulder. It had been planned for a month or so but I was waiting for school to let out so I could use the summer to recover. That is why I have been a sloth.
I am not kidding when I say I have done *NOTHING* this summer. Well, nothing but lay low, baby my shoulder, cry at physical therapy visits and gradually get back to my mom duties and real life. It's been a slow process and some of that "real life" stuff I am still working on but like it or not school begins tomorrow and ready or not, here comes some more "real life"!
While I was perfecting the life of a sloth this summer, some not so sloth-like things happened....
Annah attended AFY (Adventures For Youth) in Idaho with
her sweet friend, Elizabeth.
Salt Lake Bees baseball game
Headed for adventure...
AFY group 2016
Power Poll...yeah, Annah!
Andrew and Heather and their family came to
visit for a few days from Texas!It was so good to see them
and the kids! Connor (10) was visiting his dad so we didn't get to see him,
These boys...Fletcher (3) and Ackerley (5) ...adorable!
Just before they left to go back home Ackerley came over
to me, hugged my leg and quietly asked me if I was going
to come to see him at his home. I said that maybe
sometime we could come to visit. He then said,
"Can you come on Sunday?" Oh sweet Ackerley....
Fletcher wouldn't look up so I could take his picture when
they were in the car to leave...silly boy! He's a little sweetheart!
Andrew in his Texas shirt.... :)
One last picture before they drove away (Fletcher was hidden by pillows!) It's times like these that I wish for kids and grand kids to be closer so that we don't have to say those hard goodbyes.
Abigail returned from BYU-Idaho where she made lots of great friends...
And she received her mission call to the Arizona Tempe Spanish-speaking mission and will report to the Mexico MTC on September 13th where she will be for 6 weeks learning Spanish before reporting to Arizona!
...And she had her 19th birthday! Her friend Jen made her a cheesecake to celebrate her 19 years. Jen and Abigail have been friends since they were little and now they will both be serving missions!
We took Jacob back to school as he gets ready to start another year at Morehead State University where he is in the Space Science program. He and Abigail won't see each other again for 18 months. :(
And now we look forward to Jordan, McKenna and Mackson moving to Kentucky in another week so Jordan can attend the University of Kentucky. We are thrilled to have them close by to be able to see Mackson grow. The last time we saw him was when he was 2 weeks old and this month he will be 5 months old!
What a little doll he is!

So it's been a slothful summer for me for sure but not so much for the family! Life keeps moving along as it should.
Here's to my slothful summer on my way to a fabulous fall!