While I am down and out after having surgery a few days ago, I wanted to be sure not to miss our day ~ the celebration of the start of our life and love.
Happy 25th Annivesary, Tim! (and happy Father's Day too!)
In case there is any doubt, I would do it all over again. I am so grateful that we have been able to turn to each other and not on each other through our challenges.
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you with all of my heart. I. really. do. :)
*A funny story that happened early in our married life was when Tim decided he would "catch up" his long neglected journal. He began to write, hitting the highlights of what had gone on since he had last recorded anything. One thing that he wrote was something like, "Loretta and I got married July 20, 1985." BWHAHAHAHAHAHA! He was only a month off! :)
This year since I am not much up to celebrating our anniversary on JUNE 20th, I suggested we wait and celebrate on July 20th. :) Tim happily agreed telling me, "See, that July 20th date came in handy for something!"
Reminds me of the old movie "It's a Wonderful Life" May you have many more wonderful years! Happy Anniversary.
Sounds like a wonderful relationship, its good so many do not have one today. Glad you found the secret so many haven't found yet. I too have a good relationship but doesn't have as much "past memories" since it's fairly new...Many more years to you both.
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