Jordan and McKenna welcomed their son, Mackson Timothy Robert Valenta on March 20th, 2016! He weighed 8 lbs. 13 oz. and was 21" long.
He is an adorable little guy with a head full of dark hair. He had a little trouble breathing shortly after he was born so he was put in the NICU with oxygen, a feeding tube and an IV. He was there for 4 days but is now home and doing well!
McKenna and Mackson
Jordan and Mackson
Baby Mackson pulled out his feeding tube at one point
and Jordan sent this captioned pictured....Hahahaha!
Baby Mackson making oxygen or feeding tube!
No more tubes!
Getting closer to going home! Just needed his oxygen levels
checked while sitting in his car seat to be sure all was well.
Finally Mackson is home!
Jordan multitasking with Mackson
Daddy and Mackson bonding at 3 a.m.
Shortly after Mackson got home Jordan began to send
some pretty hilarious pictures of the baby...
I love his sense of humor so much!
Jordan says this is Mackson throwing up gang signs!
And in this one he said he looks like a Jedi... Bwhahaha!
(he wasn't happy that dad spilled milk on him!)
That scowl!
And the latest one....
Way to go, Idaho! :)